From “This is SportsCenter” and “Without Sports” to Geico cavemen and psycho “fantasy football sides,” SaintPaul—individually as CDs and as a team at Arnold—created some of ESPN’s most memorable work. (Saint is also a twice-published author of football books and was the first-ever fantasy sports writer at the New York Times . . . so SaintPaul has sports fandom and passion/obsession brands covered.)


This is SportsCenter…

As Creative Director on ESPN for four years at W+K, Paul had one goal: DON'T FUCK UP SPORTSCENTER. Also: launching a brand new network (espnU), helping create the Without Sports brand campaign, hanging with with U2 on a rooftop in Mexico City, working with fun, passionate and trusting clients (who truly were “the world’s biggest sports fans”), and none of it was a dream? He’ll take that job every single time.

SaintPaul Creative Director / Art Director

Wet Willy

Space Anchors

Musical Chairs

Hip Hip


ESPN Understands Your Fantasy Side.

Anyone who plays fantasy football knows that it’s not all for fun. (Mark should know: he literally wrote the book on fantasy football.) It can be a cutthroat, take--no-prisoners, stomp-on-your-best-friend’s-neck endeavor. Even the most mild-mannered among us have this ruthless “fantasy side"…which no one feeds or gets more than ESPN.

SaintPaul Creative Director

Makin’ Copies

Spin Cycle

Coffee Break


This ESPN brand campaign was every creative’s dream. Make someone cry, laugh, and occasionally puke in disgust. Everything is on the table. No matter how full your plate was every day at W+K, you made room for a heaping scoop of some Without Sports.

SaintPaul Creative Director / Art Director

Surf Camp





Who’s This Year’s__?

Every fantasy football season, Fantasy Hall of Famers—those unsung no-names who come out of left field (mixed sports metaphor) to have monster seasons and help you win your league—appear. But only ESPN’s experts can help you spot them before one of your league mates does.

SaintPaul Creative Director/CW

SaintPaul Art Director/Print

Weeping Birch

Lunch Date

Status Meeting

Billy Mays for!—now Watch ESPN—was a brand new launch for the Worldwide Leader. So who better to announce a revolutionary (at the time) new product with exclamation point-laden, boardwalk hawker pizzaz than the King of All Pitchmen, Billy Mays (R.I.P.)

SaintPaul Creative Director/ACD/CW.

Sports Yay!

Soul Crushing

Big Mays On Campus

The Fugitive (Bet you didn’t know Billy was in debt to Yakuza gangsters.)

Endless Drama.

One “negative” of the MLB season is its length: six months, 162 games, early spring through Halloween. But instead of focusing on the grind, we turned the ABC soap opera spotlight on the real thrills, excitement and daily drama of playing fantasy baseball on ESPN. Filmed on the actual ABC soap sets with actual soap actors, MLB stars, and ESPN talent.

SaintPaul Creative Director/CW

Series Trailer

Lethal Trade


Damaged Goods

A Villain’s Mind


Launching a new network is hard work: What's the tone? The content? The logo design? The tagline? But the one thing we at Wieden+Kennedy knew with zero doubt: our target. So these pieces introduced the new network to the rabid fans who bled their school colors even years after graduation. Never Graduate.

SaintPaul Creative Director/Art Director