In-House Productions

If there’s one thing DraftKings already did well prior to our arrival, it was their DR/Promo/Retail work…starring ubiquitous personality, Jessie Coffield. But it was also high time for a refresh. So SaintPaul helped concept/design a more robust environment—a new modular set, e.g.—and guided teams to write more conceptual, funny, human scripts…allowing Jessie to have more fun and reflect the DraftKings brand. After all, if Life’s more fun with skin in the game then the “keep the lights on” work should be fun, too.

With a small/nimble in-house production crew collaborating with the creative team (and Jessie), we wrote, shot, edited these in mere days, if not hours.

Creative Directors: SaintPaul

Agency: DraftKings In-house.

CW: Michael Ackerson. Jason Dagres. CD: Steve Baker. AD: Nick Devine. Sam Johnson. EP: Mary Hanifin. Producer: Thomas Rigia. Jake Williams. Director: Jason Brennan. Animator: Eric Funk. Set Designer: Rob Engle.



Set Design

Create a modular space for Direct Response Campaign.